Write City Ezine is published by the Chicago Writers Association. We welcome fiction, creative nonfiction and quality poetry.

Story Elements

Every story has essential elements which make it worth reading. Prior to submitting your piece to our magazine for consideration, please ensure that your story has the following elements:

  • Your story begins in the middle of the action
  • You have introduced a protagonist
    • The protagonist has a goal (something is at stake)
    • Something or someone prevents the protagonist from achieving this goal which creates conflict
    • There is an inciting incident or complication that forces the protagonist to act
  • There is a unique tone/voice/writing style
  • The setting is described without slowing the pace of the story
  • The dialogue is realistic and serves a purpose


Write City Ezine editors do not offer editorial comments on submissions.

Submission Guidelines

Include your full name, the title of your submission, your email address, and website link (if available) plus a personal photograph and a short 150-word bio. Include the title of your piece in the Subject line. You must be 18 years or older to submit work. While submissions previously published on personal blogs are acceptable, we do not accept submissions previously published in other publications including those that have been self-published. Upon publication, we pay $50/CWA members, $25/nonmembers per prose piece and $35/members, $10/nonmembers per poem.

If we have passed on one of your submissions, please wait 60 days before submitting again. 

Prose: Submit no more than one prose piece at a time. Prose should be single-spaced, Times New Roman font, and no longer than 1,800 words. Submit in Microsoft Word, not PDF.

Poetry: Submit no more than three poems at a time. Poems should be single-spaced in a Times New Roman font. 

Email submission to editorwritecitymag@chicagowrites.org. Please keep in mind that submissions may be edited.

The Write City Ezine Dedicated Staff