Who We Are
CWA’s diverse membership ranges from professional freelancers and published authors, to writers aspiring to be published and those who write as a creative outlet. Our members write both fiction and non-fiction, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, feature articles and essays. Others work in specific genres such as romance, history, religious, horror, science fiction, biography, or memoirs.
Many members live in Chicago or surrounding areas, though some choose to participate from afar via the CWA Facebook group.
CWA History
The Chicago Writers Association is a creative writing community of dedicated writers from Chicagoland and around the world founded in 2003 and organized as a not-for-profit organization in 2006. In 2008, CWA obtained federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
CWA members are both professional, published authors and those committed to joining their ranks. We focus our efforts on the necessary aspects of the professional writer:
- Perfecting our craft
- Getting our work into the stream of commerce
We span many genres and styles. Our purpose is to share information, experience and encouragement. We are a welcoming community of those for whom written expression is an integral part of our lives.
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Our Vision
The Chicago Writers Association (CWA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the 4 C’s of writing: creativity, community, craft and commerce. CWA strives to:
- Foster a visible, supportive writing community
- Provide genuine, constructive feedback and access to resources
- Assist writers at all levels achieve their writing goals
- Build a bridge to unite all facets of Chicago’s diverse literary culture
- Promote Chicago as a place of literary distinction
Standing, l to r: Randy Richardson, Samantha Hoffman, Marcie Hill, Dan Burns
Seated, l to r: Joe Austin, Shawn Shiflett, Rick Kaempfer, Charlie Monte Verde, Maggie Smith, Christina Rodriguez
If you are interested in becoming a board member please read the JOB DESCRIPTION, and you are welcome to submit an APPLICATION. Please email the completed app: info@chicagowrites.org.
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Writers Conference
Agents and Publishers
Pitch Sessions
Speaker Registration
Book of the Year
Spirit Award
First Chapter Contest
Chicago Writers Association
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