Write City Ezine Archives
Write City Ezine Archives


Poetry by Jennifer Brown Banks

February 23, 2018

Of This Much I’m Sure: A Memoir

Excerpt from Of This Much I’m Sure: A Memoir by Nadine Kenney Johnstone

Winner of the Chicago Writers Association 2017 Book of the Year Award for Indie Nonfiction

February 8, 2018

The Virginity of Famous Men

Excerpt from the first story in The Virginity of Famous Men by Christine Sneed

Winner of the Chicago Writers Association 2017 Book of the Year Award for Traditional Fiction

February 8, 2018

Algren: A Life

Excerpt of Algren: A Life by Mary Wisniewski

Winner of the Chicago Writers Association 2017 Book of the Year Award for Traditional Nonfiction

January 12, 2018

Harvesting Garlic and Reverie: Afternoon Nap

Poetry by Kevin Casey

January 1, 2018

Out the Door!

Excerpt from the novel by M.L. Collins

Winner of The Chicago Writers Association 2017 Book of the Year for Indie Fiction

January 1, 2018

He’s Paying Respects, Through the Midwest, and Joshua

Poetry by John Grey

December 17, 2017

One Down, Two Across, and Moon Dance

Poetry by Susan Sundwall

December 4, 2017

So, I’ll Run; Doing Good; Beggars

Poetry by Patrick T. Reardon

November 19, 2017

Chicago Writers Association
