October 30, 2020
Three Poems
By Paul Holler
On an afternoon in May
by an open window
of an old hotel
on the Plaka
an Elytis poem
sings of church bells
tolling a past hour
while other bells
toll this hour
at the foot
of the Acropolis
where ancient
marble-faced women
speak of past lives
and bow their heads
to their orange-vested daughter
who wears her hair
in a braided diadem
and bows her head
to the street
she sweeps
The story goes
that Joan of Arc
prayed in this stone chapel
years before it fell to ruin
was brought down and
brought to this place
to rise again
its floors worn smooth
by the footsteps of generations
its columns rising up
and flaring out
forming a dome
fashioned by hands
and darkened by ash
to gather the prayers
and whispered words
of those on their knees
and those standing and looking upward
in the curved light of windows
fashioned by hands.
Perhaps a day will come
when you awake
to a snowfall
stitched with tracks in
a design you know
from a time
And perhaps on that day
mountains will part
for the sun
flooding the valley and
filling seedlings
long dormant
from a time
long ago
And perhaps one day
far from today
you will walk
that valley
beneath a
very old canopy
and track the design
of unknown footsteps
beneath your own
And perhaps on that day
you will remember them
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