December 28, 2013
No Heavy Lifting Required–8 Almost effortless ways to support writers!
by Jennifer Brown Banks
There is great truth to the adage, "There is strength in numbers."
Collective efforts can make a positive difference, whether it's a boycott, a bake sale, or getting behind a worthy cause.
Which is why I'm sometimes baffled by the lack of participation and support in literary circles.
For example, in my area, local bookstores will often sponsor book signing events, poetry readings, and exhibits for folks that are not well known, but have work that merits recognition and exposure. I try to attend as many as my time and resources will allow, even if I've never heard of the poor soul. Why?
Because it opens doors for the rest of us. I also recognize the effort involved.
Contrary to popular opinion, support need not always be about money, nor a great investment of time.
With this in mind, here are 8 ways to support writers and create win-win situations for us all!
- If you can't attend an event, please pass the word on to friends, associates and family members. I can tell you from personal experience that it really helps to see a few smiling faces in the audience to help make it through the day.
- When you visit a Blog, post a comment. Think about it. There must be something of value that you get from going to that person's site, or you wouldn't be there. Show some appreciation for his/her efforts and time. Don't have time to leave a comment? Then simply add your name to the Blog as a follower.
- Provide a link for other writers you admire on your site. You benefit by having their fans and followers click in on your site. It helps build new audiences.
- Offer to do a guest Blog on someone's site.
- Write a review of other writers' books, classes, or products.
- Send a motivational Email to someone who's struggling with completing a novel, or dealing with doubt and/or editors' rejections.
- Barter services to help each other to save money and expand resources.
- Participate in polls and surveys as they apply to your lifestyle and circumstances.
Sometimes it takes so little to mean so much...
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