December 28, 2013
From “The White City” to “The Write City”
by Randy Richardson
As most now know, thanks to author Erik Larson and that book about a serial killer that haunted the 1893 World's Fair, Chicago was once known as "The White City".
Well, that was 1893. The city has changed quite a bit since then. And we here at the CWA thought it about time to rename it.
Of course, our view is a bit skewed, but we thought a better name would be "The Write City." So that's what we call our all-new bi-monthly e-zine, which we proudly introduce to you today.
Our first edition features an essay on Chicago's vibrant literary scene, a poem by Jen Wilding, a short story from Kevin Koperski, an article on time-management by Adam Woodworth, and interviews with author Brian Pinkerton. Also, we introduce you to our columnist Diana Laskaris ("For Love and (or) Money"), who explores the passion and the financial interests that drive writers to write.
We are also accepting contributions for future editions. Although we regretfully lack a budget to pay you for your work, this is an opportunity to see your writing published online (and, hopefully, in print at some point in the future). Please direct your poetry, shorts, essays, articles, reviews and interviews to writecity@chicagowrites.org.
Write City Ezine is currently closed to submissions. See submission guidelines for further information.
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