December 28, 2013
For Love and (or) Money
by Diana Laskaris
When you think about being a professional writer, many thoughts cross your mind. Do I have enough talent? What do I know about marketing myself and my work? How can I meet the right people and impress them? Will I actually be able to make a living at this? What if I need to “sell out” to earn anything from my writing? Can I write what I want and get paid?
The sometimes uneasy merger of art and commerce frequently arises in discussions among those engaged in the creative arts as a means of paying the bills. And, as with most pursuits in life, there is no single right way to be a professional writer. While some things are out of your control, others are very much in your control. And your attitude, adaptability, dedication, and discipline all have an impact on your ability be and become a productive and satisfied professional writer.
This column will explore facets of writing for love and (or) money. Sometimes you will be forced to make a decision about whether love of art or earning money is more important to you at the time, hence the parenthetical. We will talk about business issues and personal issues that affect both your mental health and your financial wealth. Life is full of surprises and choices, and we will explore how best you can stay true to your highest self while also earning a reputation and a living as a writer.
We will provide you with some thought experiments, exercises, and examples to help you define for yourself what strategies and tactics best fit into your writing life. And, we will give you different viewpoints that perhaps you have not encountered previously to help demystify professionalism. While writing may be your love, it can also become your business. With a clear understanding of what your goals are and a wonderful set of tools to help you accomplish those goals, writing for love and (or) money will be yours for the taking.
Until next time…
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