April 25, 2016
Wondering and Cell
by Len Kuntz
Is it warm where you are
Is there fresh fruit and linen sheets
Do the mornings make you feel special
Like a princess
Who is the one who makes your tea now
Is he handsome and well-built
An athlete or scholar
Your best friend and secret-keeper
Does your laughter still shake the walls
And do you still mumble to yourself
When you’re nervous
Has my dog stopped missing me
Has the stain of my imprint worn off in the rain
Is there ever a time in the day
When you wonder how I’m doing
And if I think of you
You always claimed I asked too many questions
Do you still think so
Is it fair for you to go your own way
While I’m still tethered to the past
Like a junkyard dog
No longer angry
Just desperate and very
Very lonely
Cell by Len Kuntz
There is proof somewhere
That you once loved me--
Pawnshop ring for sale
Record of an unwanted fetus
Prom pictures with big 80’s hair
Blood on the sand
The surf coming in
Loud and violent.
But I’m doing all right now
The warden is friendly enough
And this cell’s going to keep
Me safe from you
For years

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