March 29, 2015
Coffee House Rendezvous
by Chiara Talluto
Collette knew she shouldn’t have gone there again; it was her third day in a row. But she had to see him, watch him, and fantasize about him. She held the mocha, her second one, to her lips and licked the foam.
He was darling. Round clear glasses, longish brown hair that hung over his ears. He wore a tattered green tee-shirt and faded jeans that fit him just right. He studied a medical book. He must be a resident at the nearby hospital.
Glancing in her direction, he smiled.
Collette smiled back and crossed her legs, pretending to read her book. Then, she casually hiked her orange-striped skirt a little higher, hoping he’d notice.
Jason saw her legs and felt an aching in his groin. Who is this blonde woman with the long legs? He’d been coming into the café just to see her after his twelve-hour shift at the hospital. And what a sight she was; it made concentrating on his medical terms difficult. But in a couple of days, he had a test and had to pass it. He downed the rest of his black coffee and was ready for another. He needed it to get through the next ten pages of study.
As the doors to the café swung open, a light spring breeze flooded the establishment. The wind to his back felt good. Several college students filed in; the tables were getting crowded.
Collette checked her watch discreetly, careful not to reveal her wedding band. She debated whether to remove it. I should have left it at home. Her six-year marriage to Kyle was eroding. They were seeing a counselor, but she knew it wasn’t going anywhere. This was her first marriage, but his third. Kyle was in the entertainment business and was more involved in taking care of his celebrities, often leaving her alone and lonely.
She glanced at the man with the medical book. He was gone. She looked up at the coffee line and saw him standing with his back toward her.
He turned toward her and motioned with his hand, asking if she wanted a coffee. Collette shook her head “no” and mouthed the word “water” instead. The man winked and gave her a thumbs up.
Collette adjusted her blouse. She opened her little black handbag and popped a breath mint in her mouth. She uncrossed and recrossed her legs, and stared at page eight of her novel for the tenth time.
Jason turned away from the woman. He sighed. She is too attractive for me. What would she see in a poor resident? He shifted from left to right. He desired her that’s for sure. Who wouldn’t?He was daydreaming when his turn came up. Stumbling through his order, Jason paid and made his way to the woman’s table.
Here he comes.Collette sized up his walk. Relaxed, confident, a little boyish. She could tell he worked out, not at all like Kyle who was tall and thin.
Jason felt her eyes upon him. She’s older than me, but not by much. Gosh, her skin is flawless. Legs the color of light caramel. She closed her book as he approached.
“Water for you?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you.”
He noticed the band on her ring finger as she took the cup from his hand. It was thin and shiny.
Collette noticed the man flinch. What happened? Then, she realized it was her wedding band. She retreated her hand quickly, out of sight.
“What are you studying?” she asked as she sipped her water.
Jason straightened and put his coffee on the table. “Medical terms. I’m a resident. I have a test at the end of the week.”
“Sounds exciting,” she smiled.
“Yeah, fun. You? What are you reading?”
“Oh, just historical fiction. I’m a book reviewer. I too have a review due at the end of the week,” she lied.
The noise level in the café grew louder as the lunch crowd came in.
Should I ask him to join me? Collette uncrossed and recrossed her legs again.
Jason coughed. He loved her legs. He felt himself rise. It had been several weeks since he had an intimate relationship with anyone.
The man fidgeted and brushed his hair out of his eyes. Collette felt herself becoming hot. She wanted him. Kyle didn’t make love to her anymore.
“You want to sit?” she ventured.
“Can’t, got to study.”
“Sure, I understand,” she pointed to her heavy book. “I’ve got to read.”
“Well,” he shifted back and forth on the balls of his feet. “I’ll see you around.”
Jason walked to his table and slumped down in his chair. Coward! He looked her way and stared.
Collette took a deep breath. Seeing I’m married scared him away. Suddenly, the man got up and brushed past her. “Bathroom,” he whispered. She laughed, watching his backside.
Collette then looked at her watch again. It was five to eleven. She’d better go.
When Jason emerged from the restroom, he saw her packing up.
“It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, for me too. Do you live around here?”
“Um…up aways. You?”
“A couple blocks over.”
Jason licked his lips. “Hmm…” He walked away.
Collette rose from her chair, gathered her purse and book. Three patrons were already approaching her table. She tossed her empty coffee and water cups in the trash by the door, turned and looked at the medical man, smiled and then pushed through the door.
Jason looked down at his book and closed it. Taking another sip of his coffee, he gathered his things and threw his half-full coffee in the trash. Then, he opened the door.
“All right folks, that’s a wrap,” the director shouted from his chair.
The extras and patrons in the café whistled and clapped their hands.
“Nice job everyone. We’ll pick up tomorrow with the next scene—going to Jason’s apartment.”
The director flipped through his papers. “Internal Monologuers, where are you?”
Kate Wilson and Mike Thomas walked toward the director.
“Well done, guys. Love the emotion you are putting in the narrated voiceovers for the main characters’ thoughts.”
“Thanks,” Kate replied.
“Get prepared for the next scene tomorrow. We need heavier, sexier voices from you two.”
“Got it, boss,” Mike answered.
“Good. See you both in the a. m.”
The director rose and looked about. “Where are my wife and Marco? They were fantastic, so real…Has anyone seen them? We need to discuss tomorrow’s lines.”
Outside the café, Jason found Collette leaning against the brick wall. He moved closer taking her in. “Ready for your dress rehearsal?”
Collette touched her hair and grinned. “Hmm…what do you think, Marco?”

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