November 11, 2023
By Abdulkareem Abdulkareem
I offer the serenade in my mouth to the foundry,
the epithalamium brewing on my tongue to a guillotine.
My love wore the guillotine, & it pulled the rhythm in my heart's softness
into break. I retract my fingers from everything pertaining to roses.
A rose grew in my chest & it metamorphosed into tendrils twining to thorns.
How I chased you with soft palms & could only grapple your shadow.
Your shadow is what I've nursed with my love. I learned
the anatomy of stars, to be the light in the tenement of your chest.
But you exorcized me, like a spirit trying to gain household of you
how I knocked your chest-door with a love to cherish.
I cherish all the days coated with the clashing of our shoulders, the coming
together with our hands to punctuate the enjambment of every evening.
I have washed the evenings off my memories to recant from loving.
I offer the serenade in my mouth to the foundry.

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