- Emily Assell
- https://generationclaimed.com
- Emily is a first time children’s book author. She originally self-published her first book, “You Are,“ which has since sold out! “You Are” has reached thousands world-wide declaring God’s powerful Word over His children, adults and littles alike. Together, she and her husband co-founded Generation Claimed whose mission is claim this generation for Christ and His Kingdom. Previously, Emily worked full time as a registered nurse; presenting to and teaching staff from all areas of the hospital. A few years ago, Emily and her husband felt the Lord calling her to invest more time with her children. They took a leap of faith, and she resigned from her full-time job as a nurse and works only rarely now. Instead, she is at home, teaching and loving on her 3 children: Gabriel (9), Natalie(6) and Lauren(3). Emily enjoys baking with her kids, reading in front of the fireplace, and a good cup of coffee (let’s be real any cup of coffee). Most days you can find her dancing through the house with her littles and a sink half full of dishes. She loves the summertime and finds it hard to drive past a good garage sale. Most of her writing is done at night after her 3 lively children are tucked quietly into bed. Emily is active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and You Tube. She currently blogs on Generation Claimed’s website. You can also find her at local mom and parenting groups, where she enjoys speaking and encouraging other parents. Emily is a nurse, a speaker, a business owner, a homeschool mom, and now an author, but credits it all to her Great God.
- @Genclaimed
- GenerationClaimed
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