- Jennifer Holik
- http://jenniferholik.com
- http://blog.generationsbiz.com
Jennifer Holik has more than 20 years of research and writing experience. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Missouri University of Science and Technology. She provides genealogical, historical, and military research services. Her specialties are Chicago research, Italians in Chicago, and World War II. Through in-depth research and analysis she can help you piece together the stories of your family. Jennifer is also on staff at the World War II History Network.
Research Services
Jennifer offers expert research services and provides clients with detailed and fully cited reports with documents, record analysis, and suggestions for further research. She has the rare expertise to locate, analyze, and interpret World War II records across all branches, reconstruct service history, document where a soldier was throughout service, provide details on combat experience, and when necessary, document the death and burial of a soldier. Connecting the dots and piecing together multiple puzzle pieces of a soldier's story is Jennifer's specialty. In addition, she can write and publish a book about your family or soldier. Email for rates.
Speaking and Education
In addition to research and writing, Jennifer speaks in Europe and the United States at military museums, genealogy societies, libraries, Rotary groups, corporations, and other venues. Her current program topics include beginning genealogy, youth genealogy, and World War II.Learn more about her lectures.
Want to provide a full day of World War II programming? Jennifer is now booking full-day events in which she will present over the course of four hours:The Day That Lived in Infamy. Navigating World War II Military Records; Finishing the Story; Stories of the Lost; and provide one hour of Q&A to program attendees. Attendees will be asked to bring their World War II documents, brick walls, and questions for this part of the program. Email for rates and program dates.
Writing Services
Jennifer's passion is writing the stories of families, particularly men and women of World War II. She has published several books and guides to date and is the author of The In-Depth Genealogist Magazine column Stories from the Battlefield. Jennifer also writes articles for the magazines Your Genealogy Today and Internet Genealogy.
Writing services include:
Writing - articles, blog posts, biographies, books
Book projects for clients: Photo books, biographies, family histories, military stories
Project management and Coaching
Organization of materials
Content suggestions
Research and research plans
InDesign Layout
Book review and proofing services
Self-publishing assistance -
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