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  • Chris Peterson
  • I am an aquatic ecologist, a Professor and an Associate Dean at a Jesuit University. I've published multiple scientific research articles and book chapters and have completed a novel that I am interested in publishing. The novel is about creation of Gods from human mental energy, the evolution/creation of new deities from existing ones based on changes in human perceptions of morality, and the competition for both Earthly believers, from whom they draw sustenance, and the increasingly limited space in ‘heaven’. Will Sussman, a 30-year-old recent recipient of a Ph.D. in aquatic ecology, is the victim of rendition to a multi-dimensional hyperspace realm where deities of Earthly religions compete for limited space. Allocated volume for each deital District is dictated by His number of believers and the veracity with which they give praise or otherwise show devotion. Perhaps he can also be considered a victim of ‘atrocities’ committed by the Sisters of Christ’s Agony at St. Paul the Apostle elementary school, which may have been the reason he was targeted for rendition. Since he was 10, Sussman has had a derisive voice in his head, exacerbating his lack of self-esteem initiated, in part, by his Catholic upbringing. Over the course of the next 20 years, he’s found various strange items… clues to expose the reality of the deital realm. This was part of an elaborate scheme hatched by a sect in Zone 3 of the Christian District to speciate… form a new deity. District 7, the Islamic District, was complicit… so was ‘The Voice’. During this period, there were attempts to steal the items, obtain them through coercion, assassination attempts and, finally, rendition aimed at convincing him what a wonderful afterlife could be lost were he to go ‘public’. He’s ‘processed’ before entering the realm by an alien named Zizz, learns about the realm and tours the Christian District with the help of ‘support personnel’… a Guardian, Messenger, Instigator/Infiltrator, two Tenders and a resident, St. Augustine of Hippo. He meets God. Things did not go well.