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  • Paco Aramburu
  • Paco Aramburu is an adopted son of Chicago where he has been writing in English since the nineties. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, after High School, he was accepted at the Instituto Nacional de Cinematografia. There, he began a career in movie directing. The harsh repression following the military coup stopped all his plans. With his wife and children, he escaped to Uruguay. The United Nations granted them the status of refugees and shortly after, the U.S. government sent the family a visa. Writing in English transformed his universe as he coupled his experiences in another continent with the wide river of ideas, customs, and modalities offered on this side of the world. Paco is currently Vice-President of the Off-Campus Writers’ Workshop in Winnetka, Illinois (started in 1946). He has two finished novels, is putting the finishing touches to his third, four short stories published in printed anthologies, a couple of first-prizes in flash fiction contests and other stories placed in e-magazines.
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