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  • Mark Jespersen
  • Mark began his career in 1969 as a creative director in multimedia, working with renowned designer Milo Baughman at his Utah-based Communications Workshop. While there, he gained recognition for his freelance photography work with Robert Redford and Sundance. A writer and a natural storyteller, Jespersen moved into advertising where his work earned many of the industry’s coveted creative awards. His pro bono campaigns have helped raise thousands, and in some cases millions, for groups like the Massachusetts SPCA, Global ReLeaf, Boston's Home for Little Wanderers, the Dana Farber Institute, the Trinity Habitat for Humanity Project, and Comforts & Joys, a Marblehead-based group located in a used bookshop. It was there that Mark and his wife Kim first met. "Occasionally, pro bono work pays off," notes Jespersen. Mark's interest in mid-20th-century design led to the publication of several articles on Russel Wright and biographical work on the late modern furniture designer, Jens Risom. Jespersen currently divides his time between his satellite office in Round Pond, on the coast of Maine, and his 700-year-old home/office in Provence where he recently completed a memoir on life in Chicago during the 1950s.
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