“The Stories Within You” Workshop May 12, 2018
A story lives inside you even as you read this. Whether we write for our own enjoyment or share our work with others, we sometimes fall into periods of fallow. We worry. Where has our creativity gone? What can we do to get the spark back?
The Stories Within You ignites the creative embers of writers at all levels. Through exercises adapted from the prestigious Iowa Writer’s Festival, participants will learn techniques to defeat writer’s block, develop a new scene with 5-10 possibilities for expansion, plus interact with others who write!
In this two hour workshop, Jerilyn Willin will guide participants to:
- Learn a quick, easy technique to defeat writer’s block and tap into their creativity
- Practice an ongoing technique to track and capture manuscript ideas
- Develop a new scene with 5-10 possibilities for expansion
- Experience (and survive!) reading their rough, first draft work aloud in a small group.
- Receive positive feedback from other writers
The workshop will take place 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Saturday, May 12, at Columbia College Chicago, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Room 401.
Cost: $20 for CWA members and Columbia College staff; $15 for students; $35 for non-members
Register through Eventbrite.
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