8/6/2016 - Meet the Presses
The book publishing landscape keeps evolving as it tries to adapt to rapid changes in technological platforms and reading trends. No more is this true than in Chicago where some gritty publishers are bucking the odds and not just surviving but thriving. Learn what they’re doing to stay in the game and how they go about finding that next best-seller in a free panel discussion, "The State of Publishing," 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, August 6, at the Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, Ill. The talk, moderated by Elgin publisher George Rawlinson (State Street Publishing), will feature creative forces behind four Chicagoland publishing houses: Victor David Giron (Publisher, Curbside Splendor), Emily Victorson (Publisher, Allium Press), Anna Michels (Editor, Sourcebooks), and Lise Marinelli (Publisher, Windy City Publishers). Following the discussion there will be an opportunity for attendees to "Meet the Presses" during a social networking "Writers Block Party." Light snacks and soft drinks will be served. This free event is co-sponsored by the Chicago Writers Association and its Rockford affiliate, In Print. The Gail Borden Public Library provides library meeting space as a community service. The library neither sponsors nor endorses this event nor the presenting individual(s) or organization(s).
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