6th Annual Summer Social with IWPA
Join members of Chicago Writers Association and the Illinois Woman's Press Association for the 6th Annual Summer Social with special guest speaker Linda Gartz.
The event will be held Saturday, July 21, 7 pm to 10 pm, at the Hidden Shamrock, 2723 N. Halsted St., Chicago.
Gartz is a six-time Emmy-award-honored television producer, blogger, essay writer, and author of the memoir, Redlined.
Redlined was inspired by the trove of long-hidden family diaries, letters, photos, documents, (and so much more), which she discovered in her parents’ attic after their deaths. Once she began reading, she was instantly gripped by the power of her family’s words to take her into the minds and hearts of each family member. Every new detail she learned fueled her quest to discover what forces had undermined her parents’ marriage and fractured her community. The result is Redlined.
Enjoy free appetizers provided by Chicago Writers Association, a cash bar and networking with some of the city’s finest communicators.
To reserve your spot for this fun and enlightening event, please email your RSVP with headcount to iwpa1885@gmail.com by Thursday, July 19.
We look forward to seeing you!
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