6/10 - 6/11/2017: CWA @ Printers Row Lit Fest
For the fourth consecutive year, the Chicago Writers Association will have its own tent at the Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Feston June 10-11, 2017. We will have 60 authors participating in what is considered to be the Midwest’s largest outdoor literary festival. Look for the Chicago Writers Association on Dearborn Street near Polk under Tent Q (located between the Illinois Woman's Press Association and Red Carpet Books tents). Download a PDF mapthat shows where to find the CWA tent.
Complete lineup of CWA authors(subject to change):
PRLF Schedule 2017
6/10 10-12:30
Susan Bass Marcus
Robert Girardi
Dan Burns
Scott Kenemore
Sandy Colbert
Iris Waichler
Pete Blatchford
Kristin Oakley
Lance Erlick
Georgann Prochaska
Lisa Lilly
Victoria Noe
6/10 12:30-3
Libby Fischer Hellman
Donna Urbikas
Janet Roberts
James Gordon (aka GPA)
Erich Anderson
Laura Quinn
Randall Simonds
Barbara Barnett
Janina Rusiecki
Joyce Hicks
Steve Cole
Dennis Hetzel
6/10 3-6
KB Jensen
Sam Nelson
W. Nikola-Lisa
Cult of Americana (Charlie Monte Verde)
Brian Cox
Joan Wallenberg
Connie Wilson
Josephine McEntee
Michelle Cox
Pat Camalliere
Sue Rovens
Patricia Skalka
6/11 10-2
Molly Nechvetal
Debra Borys
James Drummond
Donna M. Zadunajsky
J. Steven Young
Mary T. Wagner
Annette Gendler
Gerald Souter
Lissy Peace
Laurie Kahn
Lew Stonehouse
Geralyn Magrady
6/11 2-6
David W. Berner
Mary Lamphere
Debora Deutsch
Glen Shuld
Raymond Gleason
Danielle E. Shipley
Eckhartz Press
Kottyn Campbell
Amina Gautier
Nancy Sack
Michael Duffy
Sylvester Boyd
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