February 11, 2019
Whatever Your Writing Needs Are, We’ve Got You Covered!
Don't Miss Out on Our Conference
Just a sampling of what to expect when you register for Let's Just Write! coming up on March 16-17, 2019 at The Warwick Allerton Hotel, Chicago.
A frank conversation about the writing life with acclaimed, award-winning author Christine Sneed.
Prose poetry is far more than just verse without line breaks. Work with Kathleen Rooney on your latest draft.
Slip into your characters' minds with Tim Storm's session on interiority.
Will your first page keep people reading? Attend Ray Rhamey's session, and find out.
Ann Garvin is a master at loglines...and drilling down to your book's core.
Talk is Cheap. Good Dialogue? Priceless! with Kathryn Craft.
Interesting characters aren't enough, they must be compelling. Eric May can help.
How to use point of view effectively with Martin Seay.
Everyone loves a cliffhanger and Kristin Oakley will teach you the elements.
The journey is your most basic and effective narrative device with Patricia Ann McNair.
And much more...REGISTER NOW!
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