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“Summer time and the living is easy.”

And there’s no better way to relieve stress, mellow out, and escape, than through the pages of a good book.

Reading is a great form of recreation for writers, in that it helps to fire the imagination, helps us understand the needs of an audience, and increases awareness of various literary techniques and creative approaches.

So, kick back, relax, and be prepared to be enlightened, entertained and transformed!

And, of course, a good cup of java or lemonade is not required, but “recommended.”

For those who enjoy reading at home (instead of at the beach) here’s a fun guide to creating a reading garden this summer:

Now, on to our book look…


This timely guide helps us to navigate and explore the sometimes murky, “deep waters” of friendships. Through various chapters and related studies, it discusses ways that our friends make us who we are; how to become a friend; the perks of friendship; the dark side of friendship; and how technology affects friendships today.


There's a reason why this popular TV pastor has millions in his "flock." He's an eloquent speaker and author. In former years, Barbara Walters chose him for her prestigious annual "10 Most Interesting People" round-up. In this book, Osteen imparts 7 steps to maximizing your potential and living with more purpose and peace. It's an easy read enhanced by great quotes, anecdotes, and thought provoking questions. Discover what the "buzz" is about.

THINK BIG AND KICK @__ By Donald Trump

I scored this one from my local library, just to tap into this icon's perspective on business, life and success. Though I don't agree with all his advice, he does share some points worth pondering. Also to the book's credit, is that it includes surveys, key points, and frequently asked questions. Definitely worth a book look.

CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL—By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul has fed the hearts and minds of millions, for many years. You’ll find stories of hope, triumph, and renewal, that you can connect with and grow from. The stories are typically short, but substantive. Another cool thing about anthologies, is the diversity of writers’ voices, expressions, and experiences.


Would you like to add more meaning, depth and conviction to your life? To identify your spiritual gifts and true passions?

Author Rick Warren provides the ticket, through this book that takes readers on a spiritual journey for an intended 40 days. It includes Biblical verses, points to ponder, and questions to consider to heighten your awareness and live more fully.

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Here’s wishing you a safe summer, with great joy, peace and warm memories.

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