March 10, 2020
We’ve Got You Covered
There's something for everyone
Do you write poetry? Fiction? Nonfiction? Flash fiction? Memoir? Are you in the revision process? Are you just beginning? We've got you covered. Here's a sampling of sessions at Let's Just Write! An Uncommon Writers Conference:
Dominic Pacyga: The Importance of Place in Storytelling
Place and character are equal partners in storytelling. Author and historian Dominic Pacyga will use Chicago’s neighborhoods as examples of setting the scene and enriching the story. How does physical space impact individuals and their responses to life’s trials? Applicable for fiction and nonfiction writing.
Patricia Ann McNair: Expressions in Flash Forms
Flash fiction, mini-memoir, prose poems, short-shorts, palm-of-the-hand pieces: these are a few of the wide variety of brief prose forms participants will study and attempt. Besides reading and writing these short pieces, participants will get information on publications that solicit and specialize in these forms.
Eric May: How to Get to Meaningful Memoir Material
The strongest memoir writing is as much about the people in a memoirist’s life as it is about the memoirist, the author drawing from family, school, work, cultural, and other meaningful life experiences. This session will present approaches and writing exercises for getting writers of all ages to the widest possibilities for strong memoir story and voice.
Want to hear from some Oprah-selected, NY Times best selling authors and find out how they did it? You'll hear from Elizabeth Berg and Jacquelyn Mitchard.
How about a poetry panel with three established and successful poets? We've got you covered there too, with panelists Faisal Mohyuddin, Parneshia Jones and Tony Trigilio, and moderated by Christina Rodriguez
There's something for everyone, no matter what your genre, you skill-level or your experience. Come and make some new friends. Registration will close on March 19th. There will be no same day registration.
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