December 28, 2013
Andrew Vachss' incisively sensitive aesthetic and startlingly relevant subject matter herald his writing as some of the most important of our time. His unaffected prose provide buoyancy to potent messages that support the cultivation of conscience. Listen, and he will tell you what is often untold, show you what you may not otherwise see. The depth and scope of his accounts clarify that our most intimate violations hollow us. Look into his mirror of our own and others' behavior and behold crime as an exponential translation of the most public and personal translations of our suffering. It's effects could be positively medicinal.
Healing a heart may be possible in some circumstances, other times not. It depends, often on family. That's How I Roll promises to unearth gestures of fierce empathy, plainspoken in the inexplicable beauty of Vachss' truth-telling: an extended prayer to our own awakenings.
If a man of trustworthy word and seer-like vision appeared at only your door, would you open it? Do, at Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore on March 24 between 2-4pm or March 27 at Open Books at 6:30pm. There, he will reveal his freshest gifts of insight to you. Otherwise, shirk an opportunity to be present at a potentially epic moment of your life. Throw a side-glance at Fate and shrug. Fling a love letter to the truth in a wind, if you dare.
Heart Transplant, the handsome and heartfelt journey traversed by Vachss and Chicago-based author and Psychotherapist, Zak Mucha, with abundant illustration by Frank Caruso will also be available for your adoration, adulation, and, of course, ownership.
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