February 22, 2022
Ready for an In-Person Writers Conference?
by Samantha Hoffman
Are you ready for an IN-PERSON writers conference? We are!
If writing is your profession or it's something you've always dreamed about, a writers conference is the perfect way to learn, improve your craft, get motivated and meet like-minded people.
Our timing is perfect to welcome you to the LIVE AND IN-PERSON Let's Just Write! An Uncommon Writers Conference for all you vaccinated/boosted/COVID negative-tested writers when it returns on March 19-20, 2022. CHECK OUT our COVID protocols.
Our presenters are fantastic! CLICK HERE.
The schedule is finalized and it's terrific! CLICK HERE.
If you are a registered attendee (transferred from 2020 or new) you will receive an email within the next week to let you know that the conference add-ons are available for registration. The add-ons are only available to registered attendees. REGISTER HERE. Add-ons include a private consultation with one of our presenters, the opportunity to have your WIP reviewed by a publisher, the chance to read your work at the Live Lit event, and more.
If you want to confirm your registration, send me an email.
We look forward to seeing you in just about a month. We're excited! We hope you are too.
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Juliann Wetz-Jones on Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Can’t wait! I am looking forward to this. I’m ready to get inspired!