Henry L_ Jones MLK painting King without a Crown with Quote

October is National Arts and Humanities Month. A time devoted to increasing awareness and cultivating appreciation for our country's culture and rich creative communities. The month long celebration focuses on the following four objectives:

FOCUSING on the arts at local, state, and national levels;

ENCOURAGING individuals and organizations to participate in the arts;

ALLOWING governments and businesses to show their support of the arts; and

RAISING public awareness about the role the arts and humanities play in our communities and lives.

In an official proclamation, President Obama stated: "In seeking to break down barriers and challenge our assumptions, we must continue promoting and prioritizing the arts and humanities, especially for our young people."

There are many ways that you can get involved in celebrating and supporting the arts on both local and national levels.

For more information on various opportunities visit American for the Arts.


Image Credit: Henry Jones

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