September 1, 2020
Can Book Publishing Be Any More Confusing?
by Samantha Hoffman
Bennett R. Coles, author, editor and publisher, tells us the publishing landscape has changed a lot in the past decade, and there’s never been a better time to be an author. Good news, right? It is, but he also says there’s never been a more confusing time because there are more publishing options than ever before. Figuring it out is a daunting task.
- What’s right for my book?
- Should I go the traditional route or self-publish?
- Do I need an agent?
- Do I need an editor?
- Who distributes my book if I self-publish?
Join CWA and Bennett R. Coles for a guided tour of the modern publishing landscape. Learn the difference between current book publishing options and what really happens inside the traditional & self-publishing worlds. This informative session will be online via Zoom on Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 11:00 am Central Time.
There is no charge, but you will need a reservation. Click here to reserve your spot. Space is limited.
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