July 28, 2013
The Chicago Writers Association invites participation in its 2013-2014 Speakers Bureau.
Since its launch in 2009, the CWA Speakers Bureau has cemented itself as one of the organization’s marquee offerings. Speakers have reported steady success in securing event bookings, earning money, and selling books. Event programmers, meanwhile, have increasingly told us that the CWA Speakers Bureau Menu serves a helpful resource as they plan their event calendars.
In August, we will finalize and post the NEW 2013-2014 CWA Speakers Bureau Menu on our Windy City Writers blog and, more importantly, distribute a hard copy of the menu to over 220 Chicago area libraries and venues. The planning for that menu begins now.
(Note: the Speakers Bureau is open only to active CWA members. If you have a colleague who wishes to be included, he or she will first need to join CWA.)
Here are the details:
One program listing costs $35; each additional listing (with a maximum of three listings total) costs $25. You can pay online or by sending a check made payable to Chicago Writers Association, P.O. Box 6505, Evanston, IL 60204. Payment is due JULY 15.
Payment and listing are active for one calendar year from the date of the menu’s posting.
You must submit your program profile/menu listing to me electronically in the text of an email (not as an attachment) at smithwriting@gmail.com by JULY 15. This is a firm deadline with no exceptions.
For more details, visit: http://windycitywriters.com/blog/2013/6/14/2013-14-speakers-bureau.html
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