September 6, 2022
A Brilliant Writing/Wellness Hack
The amazing resources you find on Facebook
Facebook post written by Zibby Owens that's too good not to share:
I accidentally discovered a time-saving, brilliant, writing and wellness hack today. I woke up in desperate need of exercise (my body — oy!), but I’d told myself that the time was blocked off for novel writing. I even had it scheduled in my calendar. If I took half an hour to walk, I’d lose all that precious…
August 23, 2022
423 Rejections and Still Going
Jessica Lourey
An interviewer once asked Jess Lourey: "How did you come into writing?"
She replied: I received four hundred and twenty three rejections before I signed my first book contract. Not very good odds, but I'm running with them. It started when I was six. I wrote this Minnesota haiku for…
August 16, 2022
Starting From Scratch Part 2
by Annie McCormick
I sunbathed topless.
I ate the local fish, eyeballs and all.
I ignored the looks of disdain as I sat in a seaside café with my laptop.
I asked directions in my high school French.
And I put rough drafts of my work in front of my mentor and held…
August 9, 2022
Why You Need a Newsletter
by Kristin Oakley
For years people told me to start a newsletter. After all, I had written and published two books and had over 400 people on my email list. I thought periodically sending a book release announcement or information about an upcoming author event was enough.
Then I took a mastermind class…
August 2, 2022
Lessons About Writing from The Bear
by Samantha Hoffman
July 26, 2022
Who is This 12-year-old Giving Me Writing Advice?
by Samantha Hoffman
Not that I need lessons on the basic structure of a novel but I was recently doing a search for posts on structure. I don't need lessons, really, I was just curious what I'd come up with.
Well, sometimes I need lessons.
When you're in the middle…
July 19, 2022
Starting From Scratch
by Annie McCormick
Annie McCormick is not a kid with a romantic idea of being a novelist. She’s old. Well, that was rude, but let’s just say she’ not young. She is, however, very serious about being a novelist and she’s changing her career path at this time in her…
July 12, 2022
Formula for Setting
by Kristin Oakley
The Formula for Setting that Agents, Editors, and Readers Love
I like to think of the setting of a book as a character, one that puts the reader into the story and makes them feel as if they’re part of the adventure. Did you know that writing about and selecting…
July 5, 2022
Getting a Literary Agent is Fun and Easy
by Samantha Hoffman
Of course that's not true - getting an agent is not easy and it's not fun, not by any stretch of the imagination. Wouldn't it be nice, though, if there were a magic formula?
Google how to get an agent and you'll find thousands of articles that will give…
June 28, 2022
What’s So Funny?
by Samantha Hoffman
Funny is subjective. Some people like sarcastic humor (me), some like slapstick (definitely not me), some like subtle humor, some like it spelled out. You might find something hilarious and I might not even crack a smile, or vice versa.
Some people are naturally funny. You probably have friends who…
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