May 26, 2020
Writing Exercise That Could be the Key to Your Next Novel
by Samantha Hoffman
Writing guru Tim Storm says writing the back-cover synopsis for your book early on in the process works on many levels; it helps you to figure out your story, it helps you think about piquing readers' interest, it helps you test your story line...
For me, personally, it's a great exercise. I write it in the beginning and then, when I'm stuck in the process, I revise it. Later,…
May 19, 2020
Beta Readers: Who, When, Why, and So What?
By Barbara Linn Probst
Beta readers, unlike critique partners or editors, are usually unpaid non-professionals who give feedback prior to a book’s publication. There’s no exchange of manuscripts; no expectation of advice about how to fix whatever weaknesses they find. They’re civilians, proxies for our future readers. Typically, they’re people we know, if not…
May 12, 2020
Behind the Pen: Meet Board Member Maggie Smith
Interview by Meryl D'Sa
Maggie Smith is a writer and advocate for women fiction writers. In her podcast Hear Us Roar, she shares book recommendations, interviews, writing tips, and more. She recently joined the Board of Directors of the Chicago Writers Association, and is the new managing editor of CWA’s Write…
May 5, 2020
What Would Help With Your Writing?
by Samantha Hoffman
Is your writing going as well as mine?
One day last week I finished a short story I'd been working on for a few weeks, sent it off for editing, and then (the same day!) I worked on my novel. I bet I worked 6 or 7 hours straight…
April 28, 2020
The Cold Hard Facts of Being an Author
Previously published on April 9, 2019
We all have our writing fantasies: the New York Times best seller list, people lined up down the block to hear us speak and have us sign our book for them, Oprah picking our book for her book club (does she still do that?)...
In 2015 I was having those…
April 21, 2020
Can We Call This Thing Off, Already?
by Samantha Hoffman
I've had it. I'm over this pandemic. I've had it up to here with living this history, something to tell my grandchildren which I'll never have because I never had children, and I can't say I feel bad that I didn't bring people into this absurd world.
I've had enough…
April 14, 2020
Learn About Writing While Binge-Watching Reality TV
by Maggie Smith
Six Things I’ve Learned About Writing While Binge-Watching Reality TV
We writers, along with everyone else, are hunkered down at home with time on our hands and yet many of us are finding it difficult to put words to paper. Instead we're hauling out puzzles, posting pet videos, and inventing…
April 7, 2020
Behind the Pen: Meet CWA Spirit Award Winners Bill Turck and Kerri Kendall
by Jessica Mack
Winner of this year's Chicago Writers Association Spirit Award, talk-radio show Playtime with Bill Turck & Kerri Kendall takes an irreverent look at the arts and how the arts can change the world. This award-winning show has grown a national and international audience. From music, photography, the visual arts,…
March 31, 2020
Behind the Pen: Meet Book of the Year Award Winner Angalia Bianca
Interview by Jessica Mack
Angalia Bianca is the winner of the CWA 2020 Book of the Year Award for Traditional Nonfiction. She has received international recognition and a Resolution for Bravery from Chicago due to her efforts on preventing violence. Formerly a criminal and con-artist, she ultimately spent twelve years in prison, and now…
March 24, 2020
You Always Come Through!
by Samantha Hoffman
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